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About Actors Gear

Tom Goodwin on Chicago Med

I'm Tom, and I'm an actor. I started Actors Gear to help other actors with their self-tape audition setups. There are so many ways to do it, but getting a good quality self-tape can be frustrating if you don't know what equipment works best for you and your space.


While most casting directors will tell you that it's the performance that matters most (and I believe this to be true as well), I think that if you are doing this as a profession, you should at least have a semi-professional look and feel to your self-tapes. Aura Casting in San Francisco puts it this way: "The more professional that your tape looks, the higher probability that it will be seen in the final round of the casting process." 


This site will explore a variety of setups and gear so you can see how others do it and decide what works best for you. Check out the blog for reviews, setup ideas, and tips & tricks!

If you have ideas for setups or gear, please let me know!

Check out my blog posts for setup recommendations reviews, tips & tricks!

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